You will learn, about the competencies you have, your level and how to develop them - thanks to the possibility of examing them and thanks to development advices granted by the job counsellor
Test allowing social competencies identification and determining their levels, allowing creation of effective personal development plan and professional career creation.
He/She will learn, which social competencies does he/she has and their levels. He/She will recieve development advices from job advisor. He/she will have the possibility to use acquired knowledge to create professional career
Knowledge about students competencies. Direct contact with student. Possiblity of closer collaboration with future employees
You are invited to test competences
You are invited to test soft competences - in the study that is proposed now, this will include:
If you are interested, please register and create an account on our portal.
The account will be visible to the administrator who will send the test.
The account user will have access to the study and opportunity to conduct the test after logging into their account and clicking on the Competencies tab in the top menu.
The user will receive study results in the form of a report generated by the system - it will also include comments on the level of competence generated by the system. The professional counselor will complete the comments with interpretation of an individual result which will be sent in e-mail correspondence.
The study is intended to support you in planning your professional development.
The author of the competences test that we provide on our portal is Grzegorz Filipowicz - an expert in HR field, member of ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) and ISPI (International Society for Performance Management), co-founder of Human Resources Development Cluster, lecturer of several universities and author of many publications in the field of human resources management, competence management, Human Performance Improvement, and organisation strategies.
Please remember, that on each step you can contact Job advisor
Evaluation is available after registation and logging in - among tabs Competencies evaluation will appear. After clicking this tab evaluation will open
On the screen questions will appear with three possible answers. Read the questions and from the given answers choose and tick accordingly to you best and then worst answer. Then go to next question - there is no time limit. At the end the report will appear with your results.
Report is the starting point to a conversation with job advisor, who will help you interpret results. Arrange a meeting right now ! You are invited !
General reliable and structured information about reality. And it all started with Plato who said that knowledge is a true, justified belief.
Ability to apply knowledge and use know-how in performing tasks and solving problems. This is how skills are understood in the Polish Qualifications Framework (PRK). It also differentiates cognitive skills (including logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical skills (including efficiency and use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).
Beliefs determining current and potential human reactions towards the social world, strengthened by repeatability. The goals of the activity, motives, and predispositions are important for the attitude. The term was introduced to social sciences by William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki. They suggested that the notion of attitude should be made a central theoretical category of social psychology. The entirety of knowledge and skills acquired on the basis of observations and own experiences.